North of the CityThe north of the city is rapidly becoming becoming a hot-spot for new artists and creative businesses.
Around Duke Street, Anglia Square, Pitt Street, Magdalen Street and St Augustines there is a new wave of artist-led regeneration. In all cities there is an area which gets a bit run down and property is left empty. As values drop, it becomes feasible for artists and start-up businesses to rent space. In some cases, enlightened developers allow artists to have spaces for ‘meanwhile use’ until areas can be redeveloped such as St Mary’s and St George’s Works just off Duke Street where the Shoe Factory Social Club and Lion House are accommodating artists and creative uses. Informal galleries line St Augustines Street with Men’s Shed around the corner in Pitt Street. Norwich Hackspace, the Royal Drawing School and the Workrooms have settled in Lion House Studios in Muspole Street, right opposite the Muspole Street Studios which has accommodated artists and potters for many years. Many of the studios in this area run hands-on sessions in printmaking, pottery, drawing, textiles, illustration and painting. Member-led group OUTPOST has run a gallery in Tombland for over 10 years and also manages around 80 artist studios in Gildengate House in Anglia Square. These all give opportunities to emerging artists, students and creatives of all ages. As well as galleries and art spaces, there are vintage shops, makerspaces and artist shops, ethnic foods, and antique and collectibles in dig-around caverns where you will find interesting bargains. Take a walk along Magdalen Street and find Anteros Arts (gallery, workshops and studios), Merchant's House Café, , curious directive's Botanical Garden (occasional bar and pizza garden), Looses and Aladdins Cave (antiques and collectibles), the Make Place and much more. Frakost - is a new Danish coffee shop and eatery at the beginning of Aylsham Road This is definitely an area of the city to have a poke around in and explore - please do! |