Targetfollow presents new work by Mary Spicer
Targetfollow presents new work by Mary Spicer
At Norwich Theatre Royal, Theatre Street, Norwich 24/01/15 - 23/04/15
Mary has lived on the Suffolk/Norfolk border for more than twenty years and returns again and again to certain places in the landscape that she knows well, recording the effects of weather and light by making working drawings that explore not only the fleeting things that occur, but also her own personal and intuitive reactions to the subject. Mary has spent time looking at the working methods of the Norwich School of Painters and their reactions to the landscape around them and she has grown to know a number of contemporary painters who are searching for responses to the land which reflect our own current concerns. The flat East Anglian landscape is currently formed by vast pieces of agricultural machinery which gouge and scar the earth, criss-crossing enormous fields which are mostly divided by hedgerows. Pools of water collect in the tracks in Winter, reflecting back the sky and it’s moods. In Summer shadows break up the landscape into abstract shapes. The remains of old barns and ancient churches are a reminder of other communities that worked the land and they feature in Mary’s latest paintings. There is real drama in the East Anglian landscape and little room for compromise as there are few hills to break the horizon, so resulting compositions have to be mostly land or mostly sky and that is an ongoing challenge to paint.
This exhibition is part of the Theatre Royal's exhibition series kindly sponsored by Targetfollow Estates Ltd.
Targetfollow were shortlisted for an Arts and Business Award for their continued support of the arts in Norfolk Norfolk Arts Awards 2014.
For more info or sales, please contact [email protected]
At Norwich Theatre Royal, Theatre Street, Norwich 24/01/15 - 23/04/15
Mary has lived on the Suffolk/Norfolk border for more than twenty years and returns again and again to certain places in the landscape that she knows well, recording the effects of weather and light by making working drawings that explore not only the fleeting things that occur, but also her own personal and intuitive reactions to the subject. Mary has spent time looking at the working methods of the Norwich School of Painters and their reactions to the landscape around them and she has grown to know a number of contemporary painters who are searching for responses to the land which reflect our own current concerns. The flat East Anglian landscape is currently formed by vast pieces of agricultural machinery which gouge and scar the earth, criss-crossing enormous fields which are mostly divided by hedgerows. Pools of water collect in the tracks in Winter, reflecting back the sky and it’s moods. In Summer shadows break up the landscape into abstract shapes. The remains of old barns and ancient churches are a reminder of other communities that worked the land and they feature in Mary’s latest paintings. There is real drama in the East Anglian landscape and little room for compromise as there are few hills to break the horizon, so resulting compositions have to be mostly land or mostly sky and that is an ongoing challenge to paint.
This exhibition is part of the Theatre Royal's exhibition series kindly sponsored by Targetfollow Estates Ltd.
Targetfollow were shortlisted for an Arts and Business Award for their continued support of the arts in Norfolk Norfolk Arts Awards 2014.
For more info or sales, please contact [email protected]